Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Good day to stay indoors

Wrapped in blankets es my favorite place to be today.  Es muy frio!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Beach inspection tour today

Mama and I went for an inspection tour of the beach this afternoon.  I am tired and having a nap now, but Mama said she would write and put in pictures of what we saw.

Someone es building monuments out of driftwood.  We saw these, two of them now, in the part of the beach we usually walk.  Here'z what they look like:

This es what Mama calls Beachhenge I.  I don' know what that meanz, pero I like it, as you can see.  That'z me in the blue sweater.  Mama took this picture a couple of weeks ago, it waz a more sunny day, pero colder than today.  It is still there today, which Mama sayz es bueno, that meanz the water haz not come up so high lately.

This es Beachhenge II.  This picture es nicer aesthetically, pero I am not in it, so es not so good, I think. 

We also checked out the building of new dunez.  I like dunez, pienso, so we can have bunnies and foxes and birdz to chase.

There are no plants now, pero people will start the planting soon, and then the birdz bring more plants, until it es a nice place to explore and hide.

Here'z me checking out the equipment.  Very large sand toyz, very nice if you are tall enough.

Someone left a nice wreath on their stairs.  Mama made me not leave a message on it, but I did so nearby.  Just in case some dog I know might be around, he will know I waz there.

And this es me trying to get Mama to stop with the pictures so we can finish our walk.  I waz getting tired, and needed a nice snack and a nap.