Saturday, August 1, 2015

Some news

A little bit of sad news.  Mi amigo Snickers has left us.  He was very very ill one evening, and the next day he was no longer here.  I do not know what happened, but I still go to look for him, and there is no fresh pee at his house, and he does not pee in my yard, so I believe what Mama says, that he is gone.

I have, however, found some new friends.  These are Maddy and Coco, who I see on the beach in some mornings, and we play circles and hunting for treasure and other Chi games.  It is bueno to have some friends who are also of my people.  Here is a picture of us three being together.

Coco is a boy, the darker color one. He likes queso. Maddy is a girl, a little zoftig, as I like them.  Their Papa brings them to the beach when he comes to swim or do what they call "surf," which seems to involve throwing an ironing board into the water.  I do not understand it, but they do not partake of this "surf" thing, they stay on the beach. 

I have noticed that we who are not very large do not go into this water.  I see larger dogs go in, and they seem to like it, but I do not care to be wet, so it seems like something to avoid.  Though I have seen mi amigo Wyatt go into the small part of the water.  I do not understand that at all.  He is like me, but longer, and not so tall, so why he likes to be wet is a mystery.

I have also had Mama make what she calls a "head shot" of me.  We were climbing on the rocks the other morning, and I think it is good.

 People here have called me a "rock star."  I do not know what that means, but I hear I may have a "fan club."  This is all very confusing for me.  But people take a lot of pictures of me, especially when I go with Abuela to the market.  Perhaps I can find a way to sign my autograph for these fans.  I have been told that this is what rock stars do.

And I have been getting Mama up earlier so she can see the colors outside before they go away.  She likes colors.  I know it is cooler at that time, and I like to walk on the beach and the rocks when it is cooler, so this is pleasing for me as well.  Here are some of the colors she saw today.

 Mama also does not like to be wet, so we agree.  Now it is time for my second walk this morning.  See you later!

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