It es now open dog season on la playa, so Mama and I are having more walks there and looking at different areas we have not seen.
It says on the sign that we are not to walk on the dunes, but I am a natural creature, no? Can you keep a natural creature from being in nature? So I tried a little bit. To say la verdad, there es nothing especial about these dunes. I checked it out, and am not impressed.
Mama called me back, and I was not reluctant to do as she said.
I do enjoy climbing on the rocks they call the sea wall.
I have found some easier places that Mama can use to go up, while I climb the steeper parts, and can jump sometimes when she is not looking. I don't want to scare her.
I think if I water the rocks, they will get bigger, no? It works for that green vegetation, so I am trying. I will report back on my progress.
I almost forgot to say, mi amigo Tiger has left us. And now his Mom es not well, so it es bad times in their casa. I feel bad about this, but there es nothing I can do, I am afraid. I just feel very sad about it. This es two amigos who I have lost this year. I hope their families will find new dogs, it will help them to feel better, and there are so many dogs who have no families. I will try to tell them they need to adopt new friends. Es muy importante.
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