Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hola, amigos - this is Pablo, speaking for himself, a new thing which has come about on the request of many of my loyal fanz.  My Mom, beachsiggy, promised to help me with the blog, since I don' type too bueno due to not having thumbs, pienso. 

This picture is not really me, Mom won' allow me to ride with the bikerz, but it lookz enuf like me to be my, how do you say? avatar. 

I am thinking I will try to keep all my peepz up to date on the muy agradable events of my life here at the beach.  If I can get my Mom to loan her camera to me, I will post picturz of my friends and family, the placez we go and the thingz that we do.

Stay tuned!

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