We had visitorz this weekend, my brother Dave, his SO Anna, and Kaylee, who I guess is my niece? I'm not so sure about that. But we tried hard not to look like we were playing, don' wan' to cause any mizunderstandingz in the family, and actually had a muy bueno weekend, until we both got so cansado we wanted to snarl at each other a bit. I tried to get in the car with Dave when they were leaving to go back home, but he put me back outzide, so I am still here, and Kaylee iz by now probably in her house.
Kaylee haz good food that comez in a can and haz meat and veggiez in it, I scarfed her dinner on friday when they just got here. Good stuff, but if Mom buyz it for me, of course I can' eat it, it'z the principal of the thing, pundonor, like I learned from el rey de las chihuahuas.
So here iz a picture of me and Kaylee under the kitchen table, which Mom got. Kaylee likez to get her face in the camera, so it'z ruff to get a picture of her. I think she'z muy bonita, pero she ez too high for me, if you entiendes. I think it ez muy bueno that we are color coordinated.
After they were in the car and not here, I took a short nap to restore my energiez.
Grandma jus' came to go for a walk, so I am going out now. Buenas tardes!
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