Monday, September 7, 2015

Sad news

I just learned this morning that mi amigo Tiger has a tumor on his chest, and is having a biopsy, whatever that means.  I am afraid that means I might lose another friend.  It is being bad this year on my block for my friends, first Snickers and now this.  Tiger is a Shih Tzu, and he has been here many years, he knew Cid.  His Mom thinks it is funny that she always thought Tiger was tiny until she met me.  I really like Tiger, and his Mom, and I hope he will be ok, but I have a bad feeling about this.  Mama and I saw Tiger with his Dad a couple of days ago, and Tiger seemed mostly ok, but was having a hard time breathing, almost like Snickers did, kind of wheezing (mi Mama gives me that word for this), but he had good energy and was out for his morning walk.  So I am keeping paws crossed that he will be ok.

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